Great episode with Billy, love the Mammoth clips. 

fair warning is my nr 1 album all time 

it’s awesome to hear the love and respect of all the different musicians for King Edward and =VH=

Fantastic job again Dweezil, can’t wait for the next epi. That’s gotta be a special one too with Mark! 

Push comes to shove is a genius track in my mind, no matter what category you put it in it’s a dark, smoky, nasty groove almost like a movie track, and that lift in the second part of the solo is just freaking smart, just the perfect change that you don’t expect.


Jason, it's some of the best guitar playing ever. It's certainly my favorite EVH solo.

Great track. It owes a lot the Rolling Stones from Lee Roth's Mick Jagger-style raps to the funky feel. EVH plays one of his best solos.

Dweezil I have to say how much Alex is a factor. I have never heard mammoth until now and he nails the fills on war pigs, wow. And if you watch the Oakland unchained video, he does a fast one right before the break down that blows my mind. It’s just incredible how in time and together they always were. Such a package deal that let Edward just shine. How old were you for your first VH show again? Mine was Sammy’s first tour as I was about to finish being 11. By the time Ed was half way through his solo part of the show, I could not hear anything except the very fast metallic strike of the pick on his strings. It was so loud I couldn’t hear him anymore! Anyway fun episode with Corgan thank you!


Hi Jason,

Glad you’re enjoying the series. I was 12 when I saw the Diver Down tour. It was also loud as hell! It was amazing!

Dweezil, these episodes are FREAKIN' FANTASTIC!!! I've listened to them multiple times over.  You're doing great work, my friend


Thanks Jason! Glad you’re enjoying them! Which one is your favorite?

That's a tough question! I love them all for various reasons. You and Vai's personal stories tied to you learning guitar. Gilbert playing the lead vox melodies on guitar (which I've began to learn).  And who could forget Blues' "SACK BABY" revelation!?!


Good to know! That Blues story is still funny!

best, DZ

Another great one Dweezil! Out of curiosity how many more do we have left in the early years series? And are you going to include the planned ADKOT episode in that or will it be for something different? Thanks a lot !! Lee 


Hi Lee, 

Thanks, glad you’re enjoying the episodes. The ADKOT is planned for the Right Here Right Now bundle. As for the Early Years, we have Diver Down and 1984 left plus an early years wrap up episode - which may end up being 2 episodes. So there’s some bonus stuff to look forward to!

Thanks for the info! Looking forward to it all!