Hi Kurt - I can’t seem to figure out how to keep related comments within a given conversation-thread... I’ve ended up just adding on to the entirety.  As to David Bowie cutting up lyrics - i remember it was years ago, so I definitely don’t remember specific songs but... the way I recall it, it was around the “Scary Monsters” era... I do think I read about it being used on “Let’s Dance.”  And then yesterday, I read an interview with William Burroughs (who I admit to knowing too little of) & he was talking about that being a standard tactic he used in poetry & so, it made me wonder if that was where David Bowie got the idea in the first place... and I HOPE YOU’RE DOING WELL!!  

I just hurt my back trying to dance to this

Kurt M.

The beat goes on but I'm so wrooooong! 

I’m reminded of the lyric randomizing experiment that David Bowie used to do, taking a specific poem & cutting it up into words & phrase segments, then drawing them out of a hat (HE said) & rearranging them randomly...  

Kurt M.

I love that and remember hearing him explain it in an interview. Do you know what songs he used that technique on? 

Hah, cool - thank's Kurt! 

You’re  like a mad scientist ‍.... cool!