As always listening to your music always makes me happy . as with your dad you both talk with your instruments !That is what got me into Zappa way back in1976..I remember when you played with your dads band ...I think it was the first time ..if my memory still works I think Ahmet sang frogs with dirty lips but when you played you faced the band ..that must of felt trippy ..I am so glad you do what you do and so well ..hats off           well thats it for now                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sincerely your eternal fan Scott Stewart 

P.S. I sure hope to see you when you tour next ..I hope life returns to normal















Kevin M.

All of your Zomby Woof solos with this particular incarnation of the band are pure gold

I’ve been known on occasion to drive under the influence ….of Zappa. And should I be dragged before a Judge I’ll plead not guilty by reason of insanity. Dweezil made me do it!

$Bill Zomby Woof solo ... it must've been something you ate ... that AGREED with you! 

Dweezil, you never cease to amaze. Can’t wait to see you guys when you get back on the road. Until then, I will continue to indulge in the goodies provided.