Thanks very much for these!  Congratulations on 1 year!  (and yes, the Zomby solo is so crazy!)

Thank you Dweezil for bring the more Flo and Eddie to out collective consciousness.  See if you can help dig out the Dick Cavett archive version (but I know that's beyond your control).  As always Dweezil - thank you thank you thank you!  It's worth the Silver!!

Thank you Dweezil! Happy to be in this community! Can’t wait to listen

I don't believe that Apostrophe' was played in San Francisco in 2018. Might it be possible that this is from the Warfield in San Francisco on April 29, 2017?

Yeah I know, but some of us geeks are geeky for this sort of thing...


You are correct! It is from the Warfield in 2017. I mislabeled it. I'll correct it. Thanks!

Thank you Dweezil, great stuff as always!