Sorry, I'm new here, so I don't know the nuances of the site. Memberships???? Why is an LP & Tee $50? I'd need more info about the music on the album, like maybe the sone title's. Don't worry, I don't give a damn about the lyrics. We don't want another Senate Committee


Hi Roy,

I didn't realize the track list wasn't visible here. The album is listed separately (without the shirt) as well and the track list exists on that link. Thanks to you it's now on both! As for the price, it's 32 songs and over 2 hours of music. So the album is $28.50, less than 1 dollar per song. The rest of the price is for the shirt. Thanks for your interest and support. DZ

My mom purchased this bundle for me for Christmas (she's pretty great that way), but is having trouble sending me the download link (she doesn't remember signing up when she purchased). She ordered on Dec. 5 and order number is 376367. Appreciate the help. Scott


Hi Scott. Sorry for the trouble. Did this get resolved?

Not yet. I emailed the vendor with no response..


Ok. So sorry for this. I'll get more info shortly. 


Scott, I'm checking in with you again to make sure this was handled for you.

It did not. I never heard back from the vendor so figured it was a lost cause. Appreciate you checking back in on this. 


Hi Scott,

I'm sorry to hear that the issue wasn't resolved. I have the order number and I'm going back through the account myself. I'll contact you with instructions once I see what might have happened.

I got the link and everything worked out. Thanks again for following up on this. Psyched to listen to it now (while wearing the shirt - ha). Appreciate it. 

Well ALLright!! ni got poppy ,yay!



I like Matt purchased the bundle, but cannot seem to figure out how to download the album. I am logged in and checked email for a link. Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks very much.


Hi James,

Sorry for the delayed response, I'll have Andrea reach out to you right away to help get you sorted.

Hi - I purchased this bundle 2 days ago, and so far the only option I have available is streaming only.  Any update on when downloads can become available?


Hi Matt,

The files should all be accessible for download if you’re logged in. Please let me know if you’re logged in and still unable to download your files. Thanks.

I just re-logged in and looked again.  No download option appears, although I do have full access to streaming the album.


Hi Matt,

I'll have Andrea reach out to you to check further issues and get you sorted out. Sorry for the inconvenience. The audio is meant to be downloadable upon purchase of the album or the bundle version that includes the t-shirt. Silver Subscribers would be able to stream the album but not download it unless they purchase the album.