
SINGLE: Dirty Dishes

Genres: R&B, Alternative
Dirty Dishes This is a tune my producer Larson Ghormley wrote and asked me to sing on a new version he was producing (he has an original version, but figured he’d make another one). Interestingly enough, the morning he had...
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$2.00 per month
If you like what I do n’ wanna support me, consider becoming a FAN! For less than a cup a coffee a month you can help me continue what I do. In exchange you get my music and updates on upcoming work. Thanks , n’ God bless...
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Latest Activities
Ron M.

Ron M. uploaded the video HOMEWORK: Warner-C, F & G (Inversion Exercise pt.2)

Ron M.

Ron M. uploaded the video HOMEWORK: Warner-C, F & G (Inversion Exercise pt.1)

Ron M.

Ron M. uploaded the video HOMEWORK: Sully-D Minor Pentatonic Scale (Exercise)

Ron M.

Ron M. uploaded the video HOMEWORK: Lou-3rd Position (Scales)

Ron M.

Ron M. uploaded the video HOMEWORK: Dale-C Major Scale (3 Ways)

Ron M.

Ron M. uploaded the video HOMEWORK: Corina-Open Tuning (D Major)

Ron M.

Ron M. uploaded the video HOMEWORK: Gretchen-Pentatonic Scale Exercise (A Minor)