Justin Backes posted gear

Wayne Hoefle liked the comment on vote

It's available right now!......Read more

Aleksa Mrkela liked the comment on vote

Greetings! Does anyone happen to know when the new "MixingRock! 2023" course will be available? I purchased the course a few weeks ago, but I'm not sure when it will be available.  ......Read more

Liam Hebden liked the comment on vote

Greetings! Does anyone happen to know when the new "MixingRock! 2023" course will be available? I purchased the course a few weeks ago, but I'm not sure when it will be available.  ......Read more

daniel de leon liked the blog post WELCOME!

Hello guys! Just a quick post to welcome everyone to the new website.Some sections are still being built but you can find all the new mix and mastering course in the store page, booking lessons, mixes, mastering and more.I......Read more

Aleksa Mrkela posted a comment on the product Mixing Hip Hop 2023 Start To Finish

This one is completely different from the Pro Mix Academy one.......Read more

Mark Jackson uploaded a photo

Mark Jackson posted the photo album Mark Jackson