That was wonderful!  Looking forward to episode 2.  Someday we need to hear the full Steve Vai meets the ghost of Uncle Joe story.  (Sounds like an episode of Scooby Doo)


Happy Thanksgiving!

The first episode with Vai was amazing! I bought the complete $51.50 package and am curious about the Premier Guitar subscription. I already have an online-only subscription to PG, but definitely want to get my hands on a printed version of the current issue with Ed on the cover. Should I head to the nearest magazine stand, or will this printed copy be included with the package that I bought? Thank you and keep up the great work.


Hi Steven, I'm glad you're enjoying the podcast so far and thanks for jumping in on it! I expect to hear from Premier Guitar today with the details for 5150 bundle owners. You'll receive an email about very soon. Best, DZ

Does anyone know if the 1-year subscription to Premier Guitar that comes with the bundle is available world wide? Is it hardcopy or digital? Thanks


Hi Vinicius,

Yes! If you have ordered the 5150 bundle, you will receive an email this week with info about your subscription options.

Best, DZ

.....and then I find this?! 5150 bundle. Holy dental floss, Batman! I think we all need this right now. Thank you, Dweezil and Co.! All my favorite musicians AND gear! Can’t wait to hear more about (I assume) the Circles/Rasta guitar. Keep up all the hard work. #floydandkahlerlivingtogether

Just finished part 1.  So was so interesting to hear you and Steve (I call him Steve like we’re buddies) discuss the different challenges in breaking down VH and then Eddie have the same challenges trying to breakdown your Dad’s music. Something that intellectually makes sense but I had never considered. Can’t wait for part 2.  Be well.


Hi Scott,

I'm glad you enjoyed the episode! I just finished putting together episode 2 (part 2 with your buddy Steve.)

Best, DZ